Sunday, September 28, 2008

Need a little laugh...

Well, in spite of a heavy load, to say the very least, this weekend, Jakob has been in true form. He has been making us laugh and smile immensely since we have been home last night. So, I hope you enjoy as much as we have!

Yesterday evening, Jakob and I were playing with playdough balls at the dining room table. I guess he picks up more from Handy Manny than I realized because he started counting the balls in 'Spanish.' It went a little something like this: "Puarto, Cinco (the only one he got correct), Chase!" These are, of course, Jakob's version of quatro, cinco, seis or four, five, six! Crack me up!

Last week, Jakob had a very difficult time at school with nap-time. I won't go into details because it was not a good moment in my mommy-hood! Anyway, the deal at school is that if you stay on your nap mat the entire nap time, you get a sticker at the end of the day. Just now, as I was sitting in our bed watching the Cowboys lose to the Redskins, :-( Jakob came into our bedroom and said this in a great teacher voice, "Mommy, you stay on your bed the whole time, and you get a sticker!" He has been back in to check on me several times and make sure I was obeying his words! I am happy to comply tonight and stay in my bed!


Barclay said...

I swear ,god has great thing planned for your child. He will be a musical, spanish, builder who teaches misfits. He is the funniest 2 year old I have ever met.

Becky said...

I love Jakob stories, they make me laugh - keep em coming!