Monday, March 9, 2009

Jakob's Princess

Well, its official! Jakob has his first ear infection. I would have been so much more shocked if Liz had said anything but that after a weekend of pain and fever for my poor boy. She was, as always, tremendously wonderful and so kind to Jakob and his waxy ears. (Can I get an 'Amen' from the moms who stink a the wax removal!?) Anyway, after his appointment, she asked if he thought that Lily Hope should get a sticker. He, of course, said yes, and she returned with a great Cinderella sticker. He carried it very carefully to the car and then into the house. He took it back to his room and got very quiet...I know, "what is he doing back there?!" He came into the living room just as I was about to go figure out what was broken. Here is what played out:

Jakob: "Mommy. Sit down."

Me: "How about you use your polite words."

Jakob: "Mommy. Sit down right now.......please."

Me: (deciding this was not the time for a teaching moment) "Okay."

Jakob: (lifting up my shirt and leaning into my belly button) "Wily did a very good job today with Dr. Liz. She gave you a sticker." (he puts it on my tummy, right over the belly button) "This is Cinderella, Lily. She is a princess, just like you." (he can't decide if its going to be Wily or Lily, so most conversations have both ways in them!)

It was the sweetest thing. I cannot wait to see him with her. I also cannot wait for the ear infection to be a thing of the past!


Ashley said...

sniff/tear.... :*)

Erin said...

AWWWW. He's such a gentleman. I love it!

ashley said...

sit down right now, please. at least the boy has manners when he is being demanding! so sweet

Vicki said...

Now THAT is so sweet!

Shalie said...

Awww...sweet Wily. That is absolutely precious!

miker said...

Awww! That gave me goose-bumps! I already have someone lined up to marry Andie, but if he doesn't work......