Saturday, July 26, 2008

Typical Jakob Weekend

This weekend marks the end of Jared's summer job...hooray! I guess Jakob could sense my eager anticipation or something. Maybe he is like an animal when it senses the rain...hmmm. Anyway, Jakob and I had a lot planned this weekend to fill our time and to help me keep from doing laundry! Friday morning, we went to a GREAT park here in Lubbock with some friends to play and then had a picnic together on the living room floor.

Then on Saturday morning, we went to a 'Farmers' Market' here in Lubbock that shall remain nameless. I am not certain that there were any real farmers there. I swear most of the things that were available were waxed and felt like they were straight from United without the stickers. So, Jakob and I left...I was upset that I wasted all that gas out there, and Jakob was upset that he didn't see any real farmers. Sad tale. So, we came home to play and still avoid the laundry! Here are some great pictures of Jakob 'flying' on my feet in the living room floor. Pay no attention to the neglected toe nails...they have never known a pedicure!

I absolutely love those smiles and adore his laughter. I wish I could bottle up and listen to it thirty years from now...sweetest sound on earth! Here are the other Jakob highlights from the weekend so far!

Jakob playing his bath-time trumpet...complete with the cushion from his potty chair as his hat. A priceless concert, indeed!

Jakob as "Bob de Bidda"...better known to all as Bob the Builder with a hard hat better known to all as a plastic mixing bowl!


Becky said...

I love the pictures - I am trying to catch up on my blog stalking. Jakob is so cute - but I must admit I laughed out loud at the "bedroom" pictures. Gotta love a kid who knows how to play :)