Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Greatest Accomplishment in the Making... a potty-trained son! I know so many of you can relate! I consider myself to be an accomplished woman: I am married to my very best friend and the love of my life; I have a beautiful son and lovely daughter on the way; I absolutely love my 'job' and the work that I do. Accomplished. But NOTHING in this world, short of salvation, may compare to the joy, nay, absolute delerium that is creeping into my life with each and every potty prize! June was officially declared as potty month at our house. This was the time when I knew I would be home with no where to be, completely focused with Jakob on crossing the single greatest milestone of his life! (Okay, slightly over-dramatic, but still!) We started yesterday, and I am proud to say that he has not had a tee tee accident since! Poop...different story, BUT I hear that pooping is the battle for a lot of toddlers, so I am refusing to get discouraged about it! He is so proud of himself and excited every time we hear the tinkle. We even braved a public restaurant today and used a real potty...twice! I know we have a long way to go before I dare call him 'potty trained,' but things are really going well, and I am so very proud of him...and of me! Thank God for Jared who comes in for reinforcements at the end of the day when holding Jakob and Lily seems impossible. What a team! Thank you, babe! With all of this excitement, there is this sadness in my heart that he is SO not a baby anymore. Today I was taking off all of the tags from Lily's clothes, blankets, and what-not when Jakob came in and asked to help with Lily's stuff. He stayed with me for nearly 20 minutes (an eternity in Jakob's world!) putting clothes in the hamper, tags in the trash, and toys in the toy basket. It just hit me what a great helper he is going to be with Lily. He is really getting excited about her being here, something I'll expand on in a later post. He is so precious to my heart, and I have absolutely loved being his mommy. While I really have a hard time wrapping my mind around sharing my time and attention with him and Lily, I am so excited to get it going and see my sweet Jakob with her.


Kara said...

#2 took a while here at our house with Caden. Good thing with him though, he only did it once a day at nap time, in a poppy underwear. Good luck to you!