Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My, How Things Have Changed!

Wow. My sweet girl is four weeks old. Wow. We have had the most glorious month, though! I have loved literally every second with her and have tried so hard to enjoy and savor each moment. I still feel like it has flown by, but I feel much less sad than I did with Jakob, since I feel so much more in control this time around! Lily is great. Great! Here are her milestones over the past month: She sleeps. A lot. An awful lot. She eats. A lot. An awful lot. She pees. A lot. An awful lot. We have been peed on more by our daughter than we ever were by our son. I swear, she feels the air hit her hiney and lets the river flow! Too funny! She is SO not lady-like when 'taking care of business.' She grunts and yelps through every poop and toot! Seriously. It's like an old constipated man! It is a real show to watch. I feel a drama queen coming on strong! She is Monday, she started smiling at appropriate times and in response to us. I LOVE that time! She started trying yesterday to push with her legs whether in our lap or in her cradle. Lily eats every three hours at the longest. Here is the proof!

Lily at four days old...5 pounds, 11 ounces

Lily at 2 weeks, 7 pounds

Lily on Sunday afternoon, roughly 4 weeks, each cheek weighs 2 pounds (ha!)

Well, Lily is hungry again. I'll blog all about our wonderful vacation later this week. I'm off to fulfill my duty as Elsie!


Unknown said...

She's a cutie!

Becky said...

She is adorable, and porking up quite nicely! By the way, I sat an bawled through your post about your mom. It was wonderful. And I agree, your mother is someone special and a blessing in my life!

Damon and Erin said...

I love those chubby cheeks!

Kara said...

She is chubbing up a little, but still seems so dainty! She is so cute!