Saturday, January 24, 2009


What a week!? (I wonder if I looked back over my posts, how many would start with that sentence!?) You know, last week we all had the stomach junk for 24 hours a piece. Frustrating, but predictable, right?! This week, however, totally different story. Before I continue, you must know that Jakob has been the most well baby. He has not even had an ear infection. The only antibiotic he has ever been on was for thrush when he was nursing. So, we aren't accustomed to dove-tailed sickness around here. We have Solo and Ensemble contest next weekend, which I am in charge of at good ole FHS. While a much shorter process than the All-State game, it involves MANY more kids, and I am one of two accompanists. We have had three weeks to prepare over 70 kids to perform and compete individually next Saturday. Work is a must right now. On Thursday morning, though, Jakob felt warm to me. Nothing crazy, just a little on the flushed side of things. I decided he shouldn't go to PDO that day, no matter how minor the fever was. So, I took the morning off, prepared to go in at normal choir time. By choir, Jakob's fever had spiked, and he was showing all signs of going downhill, fast. I took him anyway to the high school, where he slept in my office throughout choir...not normal. Thursday night, his fever spiked to just over 103, which, of course, made my heart stop. We decided that if the fever didn't come down after all of our 'tricks,' we would be making a trip to the ER. Praise God, it did come down with more Motrin and warm water baths. Needless to say, not much sleep has been going on around here. Yesterday, he was still running fever, and his eyes had begun to 'weep.' After another day of Motrin around the clock, we settled at home yesterday afternoon, where Jakob just was not himself. His eyes got worse and worse, finally matting shut with swelling to boot! He looks like he has been in a great fight, and mopes around asking us to fix his eyes. We have learned that at least 4 others that were in his Sunday School class on Sunday each started with the fever and such on Thursday. Yee Haw. Problem: I just assumed it was a weird toddler thing that he was running fever. Surely it would be gone within 24 hours, right?! Wrong!!! We are now over 72 hours into this thing...still with fever and nasty eyes. So, I didn't get him to Dr. Liz before I realized this might be more that just a fever. Jared may stalk you tomorrow at church, Liz, if we don't call you first! These are the hard times people warn you of, when your work responsibilities take a serious back seat to your child. So, our scores may really stink next weekend, but hopefully Jakob will be well! Hope your week was great and that your weekend is better!


Becky said...

It is so difficult to tell when kids really need to see a doctor or not, my girls never want to be "that mom" - running to the doc over every sniffle - maybe they should just listen to grandmas :) Hope Jakob feels better fast and everyone is back to normal.