Okay, so I know that I said I would do any blogging this week, but I have to confess something to all of you! I am a recovering scrapbook-a-holic! I have decided to go all digital in my scrapbooking, so I planned on selling all of my 'stock' tomorrow. However, after going through JUST PART (not even near all of it...shame on me) of my stuff this morning and last night, I realized that I had a bigger problem than I ever dreamed!
stickers, tags, rub-on transfers,...a FULL diaper box!
So, as I was going through everything this morning, I thought I would see if anyone from around here wanted to TAKE any of this stuff before I sell it to the masses (fingers crossed!) tomorrow! If you are interested in getting some FREE, NEVER USED scrapbooking supplies, please just come by tonight after 7! Jared and I will be in the garage getting things sorted, priced, and hopefully, ready! Anyway, no pressure what-so-ever! I will not have my feelings hurt if no one comes by, but I wanted to make my 'loot' available to friends first! Okay, now, I'm off to work, then voice lessons, then a night full of de-cluttering joy!!!
UHHH!! I WANT IT!!! However I am going to see Ashley sing tonight so I don't know if I can make it tonight. Where do you live? May have to make it a priority! Think think think....I will call you!!!
oh girl, you got NOTHIN on me!
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