Monday, June 16, 2008

Staying on Task!

Well, I have been given the gift of a child-free week in order to have my garage sale this weekend. We met my parents yesterday in Amarillo for Jakob to spend the next week with them in Oklahoma. If he were here with me, he would continue to return things to their "spot," while I'm trying to give them a new place in someone else's home! When Jakob started unpacking things I had gathered from closets saying, "Put it back, Mommy!" I was quite proud that maybe we are teaching him to pick up after himself! However, one afternoon of 're-cleaning' out closets was enough for me! Time for reinforcements! Jakob is reaching a place, though, of being very aware of his surroundings and struggling to leave Jared and me...just ask our blessed toddler room volunteers at church! Its like peeling screaming leaches off of me every Sunday morning! So, I was prepared, nay hoping, that he would have a similar response when we left him with my parents. He loves them so much...but it was going to be a whole week for crying out loud! Act like you're going to miss me! This is how it went...

Me: Give me kisses, buddy! I'm gonna miss you so much!
Jakob: No kisses, Mommy...bye.
That was tears, no screaming...just bye. Ouch! I finally forced myself upon him for a goodbye kiss that was greeted by his sweet hand pushing my face away while exclaiming, "Stop, Mommy!" We'll see if I keep any of his toys free from the garage sale gods! bwahahahahaha!!! (that's my evil laugh in case you couldn't tell!) Here's to organization!


Meredith Arledge said...

I'm loving your blog. I hope your week is restful and productive! It's always nice to get to actually miss our own kids for a while! But not too much... :)

Whitney said...

It absolutely does not feel real AT ALL! I was walking around that big campus and I was like wow I don't think I belong here yet. But I know that I will have a blast. It's just change...and most of the time change is hard for me. lol. I have to go Monday-Friday but the only day that I don't get out at noon is Thursday. So it all worked out really really well for me.

Unknown said...

HEY!! I MISS YOU GUYS.. i'll be home the 29th - july 7th.. I will see you then right?