Jakob turned two in May, and it was like he woke up that morning and just knew that things were supposed to change. He has learned to throw fits, say "no", "now", "stop", "quit"...the list could go on and on. We are weaving our way through the weeds and learning how to discipline in love. My friend, Emily, shared a thought from a book she and her husband read with their two boys that went something like this, "You teach your children to obey you, so that that will obey God." It hit me...hard. So, I have been trying to be more definite on Jakob's boundaries this week and not excusing him from understanding because of his age. Anyway, all that said, Jakob started to show signs of being ready to start the potty conversation a few months ago. He was taking off his diaper as soon as it was dirty, going to the same corner in our house to do his business, and calling out "mommy/daddy potty" everytime we closed the bathroom door! So, we bought a potty chair and began trying to introduce things. We quickly learned that we have no clue how to potty train and that the actual act of going in the toilet freaked our sweet little boy out! Case in point:
So, after I took this memorable picture, we decided that we would back off and just keep talking about the potty when the opportunity presented itself, but nothing else! Well, last Monday, Jared was taking a shower, and Jakob walked into the bathroom. I could hear them talking as Jared showered, and I just listened thinking how sweet of a moment it was that they were having 'man-time' after mowing the lawn. It got quiet though, and Jared called me to come into the bathroom but to enter quietly. I turned the corner and was greeted by this scene: Jakob was sitting on the toilet, lid completely closed, diaper on, juice in hand. He put up his hand in a 'stop in the name of love' fashion, and said, "Whoa, mommy. I'm just thinkin' 'bout it." Jared and I laughed so hard. So, we celebrated that we were at least thinking about it again...no rush here!
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