Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Off To The Races

That's what we to the races! This school year is in full swing already, but dare I say that we are enjoying this one more than any other?! My decision to cut the studio back has been one of the best I have ever made as we have MADE dinner and eaten it together nearly every night. I know, for some that seems so 'normal,' but it had never been the case with us because of my studio's schedule. We are LOVING the new year! With the new school year comes all kinds of other firsts for our little fam: Jakob's first day of PDO this year and Lily's first shots. Jakob has had a great first week of school, FREE FROM ALL POTTY ACCIDENTS! (free only at school...home is a totally other story!) Yesterday when we picked him up, his teacher from last year told us that he called out during nap time to his class, "Guys! God will be happy if we stay on our nap mats!" If that isn't the most ironic thing he has ever said since he is the great nap evader!

He wanted NO part of taking the 'first day' picture this year.
"Mom, if you make me take the picture, I'll just go back inside."
Okay, maybe I'll look at you for just a minute...
"Jakob, if you'll just fake one smile for me, we'll go get donuts!" Success!
Jakob found a very old pair of glasses of mine in a drawer this week and has been wearing them ever since. Jared took the lenses out so as not to hurt his eyes, and Jakob pitched the longest, most intense fit known to man. "Daddy! You make me blind!" He has a slight flare for the dramatic...

Lily had her 2 month check up yesterday with Dr. Liz! True to form, Lily did amazingly! She now weighs 11 pounds 12 ounces and is 23 inches long! That is in the 75 percentile for both height and weight. She got three shots and did wonderfully. Dr. Liz's nurse let me hold her during the shots, something we didn't ever get to do with Jakob. It was SO nice to hold her tightly during the shots. She cried at the initial poke, but finished within seconds of her shots. She went on about the day like nothing had happened. She is smiling SO much, starting to 'talk' back to us, and stay awake for much longer periods of time. She sat up in my lap on Sunday morning listening to every word of Todd's sermon without a peep. Precious!
Miss Lily working on tummy time. She usually just falls asleep when put on her tummy.
Sweet, smilin' girl
Hello, beautiful...
Completely limp...

There's my girl.

Lily can sleep anywhere.

hmmmm...maybe black hair doesn't become us!


ashley said...

sooo cute! I love the pic of jakob in the glasses and lily smiling! she is turning into a little chunky monkey! (compliments to the chef, of course)

Becky said...

They are growing so fast, can't believe how big Lily is already! So precious! I love Jakob - and I agree with him - I know God would like me to stay on a mat for nap time too!

Damon and Erin said...

What a precious pie...I need to hold her again soon! My arms are going through withdrawals! :)