Friday, October 9, 2009

Dodged a Bullet

Well, we have only dodged one so far! More on that later... We are hoping to dodge a HUGE bullet tomorrow. As some of you know, tomorrow is our first audition in the All-State process aka 'Carla's Job.' This audition and preparation is part of the reason we have been so stinking busy lately. We are hoping to dodge the flu bullet. As of yesterday, 6...SIX!...of my top students were running fevers and losing their voices. AH! So, my heart is in a panic for them, and I am so hoping that none of them actually have the flu. I am naive enough to pray that they are just tired and's hoping. We'll see tomorrow if we did, indeed, dodge that bullet!

Yesterday, however, we dodged an even bigger bullet. (There shall be no comments on my poor parenting following this post! Got it?!) Lily was asleep on our bed while Jakob was watching morning cartoons. This is not uncommon in our home. I went to make his lunch, reminding him if they needed anything to call for me. Reminder...we live in a very small house. I'm not far away. So, I'm packing lunches when Jakob comes into the kitchen and whispers something to me. I thought, "Surely he didn't just say what I think I heard." Yep. I did. "Mommy, I dropped Lily." This is so surprising since he rarely takes interest in her! I walked back into my room to see my 3 month old laying prostrate, face planted into my bedroom floor. First time in a while my clothes laying everywhere actually served a positive purpose! I scooped her up, and her screaming became much more elevated. She just simply doesn't cry, so all that noise leaving her body FREAKED Jakob out...FREAKED! He starts screaming and throwing his hands from his head (classic Jakob drama) saying, "Oh, my Lord! Oh! My! Lord!" After I was certain that Lily was okay, I noticed that Jakob was sobbing into his hands. Broke my heart. I scooped him up with her, and we checked Lily out together to prove that she was okay. After things had calmed a bit, I asked him for more details and why he picked her up. As innocently as possible this is what he said, "I wanted her to see Mickey Mouse."


operagirl17 said...

Think positive about your students!

Any child with an older sibling has been dropped at least once! I am glad Lily is fine. Jakob is too funny!

Kara said...

praying for your students.

don't worry too much about lily! cole was dragged from his swing or bouncy seat numerous, yes I said numerous times by his brothers and he is okay now!?!?!

Jakob is too cute and Lily is getting way to big, tell her to stop! When are you coming this way?

Kassie said...

Lakyn decided to roll off the end of the bed yesterday for the first time. Luckily the huge comforter was hanging halfway off the end of the bed. I had left her on there to fall asleep while I washed some bottles. When I came in the room she wasn't on the bed. Before I could panic I look down and there she is... looking straight at me LAUGHING! Like "Haha Mom, look where I am!" Gracious child!